Classification: Barbera d’Asti docg
Variety: Barbera
Vineyard: Location "In Roche" in the municipality of Cisterna d'Asti (AT)
Age: 2005
Extension: 0,45 Ha
Density: 4200 plants/Ha
Altitude: 350 meters above sea level
Soil: Calcareous, sandy
Exposure: Southeast
Vine growing: Guyot
Yield: 60-70 quintals /Ha
Harvest: Manual harvest in perforated crates at the beginning of October, consequently the phenolic maturation phase and climatic conditions.
Vinification: After soft crushing, it goes through a traditional alcoholic fermentation process, in stainless vats at 30° C. It is left to macerate for 8-10 days, with daily pumpovers. Aging in stainless vats for 18 month and some more months in bottle.
Production: 3300 bottles/year
Alcohol: 13,5 % Vol
Dry Extract: 28
Acidity: 6,0
Sugar: < 1,0

Tasting notes
Color: red purple with ruby tinges
Fragrance: Intense, flowery, lightly spicy
Taste: herbaceous and spicy sensations, with pleasant tannins

Gastronomic combinations
Barbera d’Asti accompanies any meal from appetizers to main classics courses especially of meat, game and mature cheeses.


        Azienda Agricola Cą di Tulin
        Via Lame, 17 - Cisterna d'Asti - Asti - ITALY
        tel. +39 3482513495  |   info

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